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A certain urgency

At its heart, the work of healing from binge eating involves two key processes: letting go of a habit we no longer need and finding out who we are without it. It’s not always easy work, but increasing awareness of how our mind influences both aspects of this journey can make it much more effective and fun.

There’s a certain urgency in this work. It can be accomplished only when led by a firm, fiercely loving inner adult presence. We must be determined to call on our adult to respond in a different way. We need to want to understand the distinction between what truly serves us and what feels comfortable. When need to be willing to recognize that we are no longer the victims of our circumstances.

But with this acknowledgment comes great responsibility.

When we understand the power of our mind, we must be committed to using it wisely. Therein lies our empowerment.

Our fiercely loving adult will insist on placing our attention on our thoughts—watching, recording, examining.

It takes great courage to walk into a compulsive pattern, embrace it, and ask what it wants from us. It takes great maturity to begin to work with things as they are, and not to lurch after a quick fix to end the pain.

We can learn the greater joy of being a focused clear, stable, responsible adult who is capable of facing all of life’s intensity with love instead of racing away with fear. One thought at a time, we can teach our minds to work in service of a new reality.

Why not start now?

. . . the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. . . . Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

— William Hutchinson Murray, The Scottish Himalayan Expedition (1951)

Describe any urgency you feel to heal your pattern of binge eating. Please free to email me your reflections.

Would you like someone by your side on your path to recovering from binge eating? Book me for a free mini-session, and let’s explore what lies ahead.

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