A delicate tangle

Have there ever been stretches of time when you weren’t binge eating?
Maybe weeks. Maybe months. Even years.
Perhaps you found yourself counting each binge-free day. Every night, as your head hit the pillow, exhaling in exhausted relief at having held it together one more time.
So often we hear, “the more time that goes by—the more days you can mark—the easier it will become to leave bingeing behind.”
But sometimes, even as the days add up, it still feels just as hard.
If you feel trapped by binge eating—whether you’re bingeing or using every ounce of energy not to—you may believe there’s no way out.
Many times, I, too, was certain I’d remain forever entangled.
Yet I found freedom.
I had to learn how … in a way that honored my individuality and my life.
Now, I help my clients find that freedom too.
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