An unimaginable adventure

What if your journey to end bingeing was a delightful adventure, on which you felt excited, expansive, hopeful, courageous, and free?
If you’re bingeing or overeating right now, you’re probably skeptical.
So was Jenny. But she joined the Done Bingeing Membership in December anyway. Here’s what she says:
“A HUGE thank you for the tools, insights, and gifts you pass on in your amazing Done Binging Membership. I’m just so delighted that I took the plunge and signed up in December, before the new year, and despite my brain-chatter that December was the worst month to do it and ‘here we go again.’ Your coaching has been invaluable. My feelings have changed from trapped, defeated, hopeless, desperate, alone, and deeply ashamed, to now feeling open, hopeful, excited, courageous, the real potential of being liberated, and so very grateful. I didn’t expect that in such a short time!
The membership feels safe, nurturing, supportive, and empathetic, with a shared passion for exploration, acceptance, (re)discovering self-worth, growth, and freedom. 2019 will be an unimaginable adventure!
Thank you for everything you do.”
One month. One coach. One person willing to risk.
Jenny thought, “Here we go again.”
But we didn’t go there—and if you’ve been bingeing for long enough, you don’t need your imagination to know what she means.
Because you’ve been there before, too. The same-old programs, same-old money gone bye-bye, same-old broken promises and broken heart.
If you don’t want to go there again either, it’s time to re-imagine what’s possible. Join Jenny and me in my Done Bingeing membership for an unimaginable adventure!
Describe any urgency you feel to heal your pattern of binge eating. Please free to email me your reflections.
Would you like someone by your side on your path to recovering from binge eating? Book me for a free mini-session, and let’s explore what lies ahead.
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