The silence in the song

The silence in the song

The silence in the song The background in a painting is as important as the foreground in a painting.Why?Because it holds the space for the dimension to come through. The silence in a song is as important as the sound in a song.Why?Because it holds the space for the...
You are the best gift

You are the best gift

You are the best gift Soooooooo, unlike Gemma, whom you’ll well remember, because y’all seem to have loved how she cussed me out real good (thanks, by the way), meet Emily. While Gemma said this, “I can’t believe I was dumb enough to sign up...
I now trust myself again

I now trust myself again

I now trust myself again One of my members is leaving The Done Bingeing Membership this month. Here is what she said: “I joined in December 2018 with real trepidation – anxiety, fear, embarrassment, shame, hopelessness & all the horrible feelings I’d...
Why am I bingeing?

Why am I bingeing?

Why am I bingeing? “Why . . . ?” So many of my first calls with clients begin with these questions: “Why am I binge eating?” “Why can’t I stop?” “Why aren’t I smart enough to figure this out? I’m so...
The power of one degree

The power of one degree

The power of one degree My grandparents used to live on a farm Northern Ontario. I used to love to drive on the backroads. I’d drive and drive on a dirt road on a sunny day. With light like that I should have been able to see far, far away. But with the grit in the...
An unimaginable adventure

An unimaginable adventure

An unimaginable adventure What if your journey to end bingeing was a delightful adventure, on which you felt excited, expansive, hopeful, courageous, and free? If you’re bingeing or overeating right now, you’re probably skeptical. So was Jenny. But she joined the Done...