Decide what you want to believe

Throughout our lives, we are taught many things by our parents, teachers, society.
As adults, though, sometimes we forget that we have the discretion to differentiate between what we were TAUGHT to believe and what we WANT to believe.
- Maybe you were taught that dessert was never allowed—and so you ate platefuls of “real food,” longing for years for something you never got.
- Maybe you were taught that dessert was only earned, usually by devouring everything on your plate first—and so you learned that dessert was to be eaten when you’re stuffed.
- Maybe you were taught that you had no power—and so you gave it all away to a group or a philosophy that would take care of you IF you followed their rules.
- Maybe you were taught that to be a normal eater you had to eat a daily dessert—and so you obeyed and felt sick every time you did.
- Maybe you were taught that fat was bad—and so you carved out every ounce of taste and texture and satisfaction from your food until, one day, you broke.
- Maybe you were taught that if the program wasn’t working, you weren’t working the program—and so you worked it until you could work it no more and have lived with shame ever since.
- Maybe you were taught that to be REALLY okay, you needed a six-pack, a toned butt, and no cellulite—and so the gym became your home even though you didn’t want to live there.
So, here is my question:
Do you want to believe these ideas?
If you feel amazing when you believe these things, then go for it.
But if you feel awful when you believe these things, then remember this:
You get to decide what you want to believe.
Decide what you want to believe.
Then believe it.
On purpose.
Describe any urgency you feel to heal your pattern of binge eating. Please free to email me your reflections.
Would you like someone by your side on your path to recovering from binge eating? Book me for a free mini-session, and let’s explore what lies ahead.
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