I now trust myself again

One of my members is leaving The Done Bingeing Membership this month. Here is what she said:
“I joined in December 2018 with real trepidation – anxiety, fear, embarrassment, shame, hopelessness & all the horrible feelings I’d carried for so long around my eating. But something nudged me forward. The glimmer of hope must have still been there somewhere.
I have been nervous & felt so vulnerable before getting coaching every single time. And you have been so gentle & encouraging & helped me see that I’m ok & it’s going to be ok. And told it as I needed to hear it those times too 💛!
I have learned to trust myself again, for the first time since childhood. I have been able to release all the constricting rules & ‘shoulds’ that I had created for myself & instead move to a place of so much more freedom.
Thank you (x1000) for everything you have done to help me move to this new place of living a life I now feel excited about, rather than trapped in.
Thank you so much for everything you have offered & delivered in the membership.
The Done Bingeing membership is totally fabulous, amazing, life changing & transformational.”
If you’re ready to live a life you feel excited about, rather than a life you feel trapped in, join me in The Done Bingeing Membership. To learn more, click here.
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