It’s already within you

2020 is upon us.
The year of vision, someone foretold.
The year of clarity, someone shared.
The year of the rat, someone said.
(That was at a party where everyone had a different idea, sense, dream of what lay ahead.)
What do you see on the dawning horizon of a decade that longs to be lived?
Is it love found, life lived?
Is it freedom found, wisdom lived?
Most of my people hunger to lose hunger for food that hurts their bodies.
Most of my people yearn for a life free from THE ONE THING—the bingeing—that just never ever seems to end.
Most of my people’s dreams have bobbed in bottles atop soaking seas, then washed ashore to stumble against a dried-up piece of wood.
Whatever you long for or dream of, here is the funny thing … it is already within you.
Ever heard the expression, “You can’t see the label from inside the bottle?” Unless you have x-ray vision, can read backwards, or have mirror glasses (which my son has by the way and apparently they can totally come in handy 😂), it’s hard to gain perspective when you’re “in it.”
And that, my friend, is where a coach comes in.
But not just any coach.
A coach who doesn’t have THEIR label and treatise for you to scramble to follow for months, years, decades.
A coach who will simply show you the curled-up scroll that has lived within you for years and longs to be unfurled.
YOU are the one with the answers.
I’m just a coach who can help you see them.
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