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Staying the course

When we eat in response to physical, as opposed to emotional, hunger, we can expect all the feelings that we have been avoiding to surface. This is a beautiful opportunity, though not easy. But we can learn to make room for the negative emotions. And as we learn to stay with our emotions, it will get easier.

As most meditation teachers will say, our healing is just outside of what we think we can bear. And the greatest gift we can offer ourselves and the world is to respond with love and compassion to whatever experiences come our way. We offer ourselves the gift of peace that comes from facing our inner conflicts with an open, willing, loving and forgiving approach. In our humility, we relinquish judgment of ourselves.

When we are able to acknowledge all of it, and make room for all of who we are, the light and the dark, we can take the risk being all of ourselves.

There are many ways to “come into relationship” with the pattern of binge eating, including mindfulness. By stilling the mind, we are able to not be identified with the obsession, and to instead watch it, watch where it takes us, watch the rising of fear and desire. Watch the possibility of healing.

Who would you be without your pattern of binge eating? Please feel free to email me your reflections.

Would you like someone by your side on your path to recovering from binge eating? Book me for a free mini-session, and let’s explore what lies ahead.

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