The day I met Nicole

I had the honour to meet in person for the first time one of the many clients I’ve had the privilege of working with. Here is the photo and part of what @nicoleterwey posted on IG:
“Have you ever felt so grateful for someone that you couldn’t find the words to thank them?
You’re filled with so much gratitude that you thank God for creating them.🙏
You felt so lost, felt like you couldn’t escape… felt like you were so alone, and you started running out of options.
But then this person came right in the nick of time and served as a flashlight, or a flash of life, as you made your way out.
Someone said that Life Coaches are like flashlights shining on the ladder (that you couldn’t find) that will lead you up and out of the despair you’re in, or your bottom.
That’s exactly what my life coach, Martha Ayim, is to me.💟💜💟
She showed me the way out.
She helped me save myself.
She didn’t hold my hand; she stayed with me while I navigated my own way to steadiness, compassion, and curiosity.
And love. More love than I ever let myself experience.💕
🤩I finally met her in-person for the first time, and my tears of love for her and gratitude for her existence stifled my “thank you.”😭
Thank you for saving me, Martha.❤️
Thank you for showing me how to use my courage.💎”
When we met, Nicole was already one of the most courageous humans I’d ever known. All I did was invite her to trust that courage.
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