The diamond at the edge

When my clients first come to me, many believe that they ARE binge eaters. Period. End of story.
But that is never the end of the story.
The bingeing is just a part of who they are. It only FEELS like it’s all of who they are.
Remember, just because we feel something to be true doesn’t mean that it actually IS true.
The part that binges is just a part of us, but it looks like it’s all of us when it eclipses us.
And when we feel eclipsed—taken over—by the part of us that binges, it can seem like there’s nothing more, nothing behind, nothing underneath.
But there is always something more, behind, underneath . . .
How do you find you in the night, when all is dark, save for a ring of light?
You look for the diamond at the edge of the eclipse.
Because it’s the clue that will lead you to you.
And if you’re willing to let the phases of you move in time—and not force them to happen all at once—soon enough, you will be there. Brilliant, radiant, shining.
If you’re ready to uncover who you are behind the bingeing, if you’re ready to find your diamond at the edge of the eclipse, join me in The Done Bingeing Membership.
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