The silence in the song

The background in a painting is as important as the foreground in a painting.
Because it holds the space for the dimension to come through.
The silence in a song is as important as the sound in a song.
Because it holds the space for the music to come through.
The white space on a printed page is as important as the black ink on a printed page.
Because it holds the space for the message to come through.
Sometimes it is in the least obvious places that much nuance is found, the intelligence of why we do what we do. It takes curiosity, persistency, and an open heart to go there. And there … there in the background, in the silence, in the white space, you just might find the missing perspective, music, and message that makes sense and that points you in the direction you need to go.
If you’ve struggled to end binge eating for some time, and working with the usual suspects (urge allowing, food planning, etc.) hasn’t been enough, join me in the Done Bingeing membership for a deeper understanding. Click here to learn more.
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