This is me, Martha

This is me, Martha. I’m a Master Coach.
Many new clients tell me that, for years, they were too afraid and too ashamed to talk to anyone about their bingeing.
And I get it.
I never wanted anyone to know about my bingeing, either—oh, except for Mandy.
Mandy and I were grade 8 buddies and she was trying to teach me how to binge and not get fat.
Mandy showed me how to stuff my fingers down my throat and barf a binge. She had it down to a science. I tried for about an hour while she cheered me on, but I just couldn’t. Hey, ever tried kneeling over a toilet for an hour? I gave up when my knees turned blue.
Then Mandy tried teaching me the trick of chewing and tasting, but not swallowing. That meant spitting. Couldn’t do that either.
Then Mandy told me about ex-lax. I figured it was an easy way to get over an old boyfriend with a chocolate bar.
Boy. was. I. wrong.
Let’s just say I only tried that once. (And it still took months to get over him.)
If you’re getting the sense that I know what it’s like to be a binge eater, you are absolutely right.
I hid it from everyone except Mandy because I was scared, too, but that made it hard to get help.
Every month, people talk to me in my Done Bingeing Membership.
And in January, we’re rolling out a whole new way to reach out: The Ask Martha forum, where you can anonymously send in questions and get answers.
The Done Bingeing Membership is a safe, shame-free space to end bingeing.
To learn more, click here.
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