What Sam saw

Like many of my clients, I started bingeing when I was young.
Bingeing helped me connect around food to those I loved.
It also helped me to cope with losses that came too early for me to understand and stayed long after I did.
And, I’m not alone.
For many, bingeing has served a purpose in the past.
Sam used food to help him study into the night.
Candy kept him up far past the call of sleep.
And now?
Now, Sam no longer needs food to help him study through the night.
Now, Sam can rest at night and read if he chooses.
But he didn’t know that until he stopped to notice.
When Sam understood why his bingeing had started, honored how it had served him, and discovered his reality now, he found he no longer needed to binge.
Sam was free to let the bingeing go.
Sam was free.
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